Have Fun with Your Health

Have Fun with Your Health

For so many years I took dieting and exercising way too seriously. I was fanatical, and quite often a stick in the mud. It was stressful to live in such a regimented way! 

Adopting the primal lifestyle has given me a whole new perspective on health; now being healthy feels like freedom and fun! 

Today I'd like to share some of my tips for having fun with your health. 

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Sacred Mornings: My Hour of Power

Sacred Mornings: My Hour of Power

I love morning time: the quiet, the peace, the unlimited potential of starting anew. I heard the term "hour of power" on a podcast a few years ago and I thought it was the perfect way to describe my morning rituals. I've always been an early riser, but it wasn't until fairly recently that I realized the power in an intentional start to the day. I now know that I create every single day with my thoughts and actions upon rising. There are so many beautiful ways to begin a day; I will share my routine as an example. 

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Water and Creativity

Water and Creativity

The focus of this morning's yoga class (courtesy of YogaGlo) was creativity. The instructor encouraged body movements that mimicked the flow and ease of water. Gliding through the poses, I could indeed feel an opening to that meditative, creative channel that gives birth to inspiration. 

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The Joy of Releasing Chronic Cardio

The Joy of Releasing Chronic Cardio

For the entirety of my adult life I was a chronic cardio junkie. Determined to avoid the freshman fifteen, the college me spent hours every day running, doing step aerobics, and climbing the stairmaster.  Post college, and burned out on those activities, I became a DVD addict. Jillian Michaels, P90X, Buti Fitness, Insanity- if there was an infomercial for it,  I’d completed the program.

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